There is an old saying in sales, Always Be Closing. Basically, it means that a salesperson should always be trying to close the sale. In this economy, that takes on even greater importance. However, I think there are more subtle ways that a salesperson, and a company in general, can do this. The Advertising/Marketing budget always seems to be the first department that feels the hit of corporate cutbacks. So, you have to get more creative. What is a way to have your company's image out in front of your potential customers at minimal cost? Be active in your community! Attend festivals, parades, downtown events, networking events, etc. These are enjoyable activities to begin with, and by attending them with a polo with your logo on it, you are also broadcasting to everyone there that you/your company care about your local community. It is a great way to boost your image in the community. Maybe you are close to a deal with a company and they just happen to bump into you at the local art festival. Your company gets another "impression" on your potential customer and could be a tipping point to finish the deal. You could land that next big account and get a balloon animal at the same. Sounds like a winner to me!
Josh Anderson
Customer Relationship Manager
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